“You need to be aware of what others are doing, applaud their efforts, acknowledge their success, and encourage them in their pursuits. When we all help one another, everybody wins.” -Jim Stovall

It is part of human nature for us to wish that we succeed over other people. It is a part of human nature for us to feel that we must put ourselves in front of everyone else. It is a part of human nature for us to quickly dismiss the achievements of others, but it is also a part of human nature to change.

Often times we do not push forth to accomplish our goals because we lack support. A person can be extremely confident in all of their talents and abilities, but without a word of encouragement from someone else, it seems our efforts are in vain. Not only do we need to encourage ourselves, but we need to encourage others. Instead of constantly criticizing a person (criticism that is not constructive) try encouraging a person to go the extra mile, or to make a change.

It seems like when a person succeeds people become very bitter and instead of acknowledging the good, they focus on all the bad. We need to be supportive of those who want to make a change for the better and those that are not only out for themselves. I’m not saying encourage those who efforts show they are selfish and sly, but encourage those whose efforts you know you can benefit from. It’s not about recognition, its about getting a job done and making life a little more enjoyable.

So I say all of this to tell you to be the “salt and light” within your community, place of employment, home, etc. Be the person the encourage the positive efforts of those around you.

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