From the Her Goody Bag family to yours, we want to wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Enjoy this time with family, friends, and most importantly FOOD!

Hey ladies and (gentlemen) here is a list of the top 10 beauty foods…for smoother complexion, healthy nails, healthy hair, the whole nine. Go to your local grocery stores asap to stock your cabinets and fridges with these items.

1. Wild Salmon-keeps the brain cells functioning
2. Low-fat yogurt—strong bones, beautiful nails, good posture and a beautiful smile
3. Oysters-skin renewal and repair, strong nails, healthy hair and eyes-maybe that’s why I wear contacts/glasses?
4. Blueberries-yummy-anti-aging
5. Sweet potatoes- smooth skin-not the sweet potato pie though, baked sweet potato french fries are AMAZING!
6. Walnuts-smooth skin tone, healthy hair, strong bones

7. Spinach-Yesss Popeye- healthy and bright eyes
8. Kiwi-maintains healthy skin and bones
9. Tomatoes-and other pink fruits anti-aging
10. Dark Chocolate-anti-aging, smooth skin

It is still practically the beginning of summer and you still have time to get that body bikini ready. While I was on glamour the other day, I found this great article about foods that flatter the tummy. Even though I have a small frame, I have a little belly and I am working really hard to minimize it. Here are two lists of foods that are either belly friendly or bloat causing. I am sure you know which list to stay away from. Check them out:

Belly Friendly

  • Blueberries-linked to less fat
  • Asparagus- Natural diuretic that helps get rid of water weight.
  • Salmon-Foods high in omega-3 fats promote digestion.
  • Watermelon- one of nature’s water-weight nixers
  • Citrus fruit- add lemon in your water to aid with digestion

Bloat Causing

  • Alcohol-heavier drinks add more belly fat
  • Soy sauce-salt increases water weight
  • Canned soups-high in sodium
  • Popcorn-airy foods pooch out the stomach
  • Dried fruit-high in fiber, but loaded with sugar
