So I just returned from a much needed vacation. I went on a Carnival cruise with a few friends from college and my friend Kim and her family. We visited 5 islands, Puerto Rico, St. Thomas, Antigua, Tortola, and the Bahamas. I spent 8 days enjoying great food, beaches, and friends.

This was probably one of the best vacations I have ever been on! I laughed so hard during the week that my torso was sore. I was using muscles that I didn’t even know were associaed with laughter. It was also nice to step away from my computer, twitter, and my beloved Blackberry. So if you sent me emails or wrote comments and I didn’t respond, this is the reason why.

Regular posting will resume this week as I get situated and work out a new schedule since my summer vacation comes to an end. I return to work in 2 weeks 🙁

Photos from my trip will be up also so stay tuned.