From the words and teaching of Pastor A.R. Bernard

Whatever you do, do it enthusiastically, as something done for the Lord and not for men.

Colossians 3:23 HCSB

 Happiness and enthusiasm are traveling companions.  The more enthusiastic you are about life, the happier you’ll be.  But if you allow your enthusiasm to fall flat, you’ll soon discover that happiness is elusive.

If your zest for life has waned, it is now time to redirect your efforts and recharge your spiritual batteries.  And that means refocusing your priorities (by putting God first) and counting your blessings (instead of your troubles).  Genuine, heartfelt, enthusiastic Christianity is contagious.  If you enjoy a life-altering relationship with God, that relationship will have an impact on others-perhaps a profound one.

Do you see each day as a glorious opportunity to serve God and to do His will?  Are you constantly praising God for His gifts, and are you sharing His Good News with the world?  And are you excited about the possibilities for service that God has placed before you, whether at home, at work, at church, or at school?  If you can answer these questions with a resounding “Yes!” you will be blessed…and you will be happy.

Remember: You are the recipient of Christ’s sacrificial love.  Accept it enthusiastically and share it fervently.  Jesus deserves your enthusiasm; the world deserves it; and you deserve the experience of sharing it.

A Simple Step

 Don’t wait for enthusiasm to find you-go looking for it.  Look at your life and your relationships as exciting adventures.  Don’t wait for life to spice itself; spice things up yourself.


The words and teachings of A.R. Bernard

As the recipient of God’s grace, you have every reason to celebrate life.  After all, God has promised you the opportunity to receive His abundance and His joy – in fact, you have the opportunity to receive those gifts right now.  But if you allow envy to gnaw away at the fabric of your soul, you’ll find that joy remains elusive.  So do yourself an enormous favor: Rather than succumbing to the sin of envy, focus on the marvelous things that God has done for you – starting with Christ’s sacrifice.  Thank the Giver of all good gifts, and keep thanking Him for the wonders of His love and the miracles of His creation.

So, if you want a simple, surefire formula for a happier, healthier life, here it is: Count your own blessings and let your neighbors count theirs.  It’s the godly way to live.

I received such great feedback from my motivation Monday posts the past few weeks that I decided to continue with the words and teaching of my pastor A.R. Bernard. This series will focus on envy.

The words and teachings of A.R. Bernard

Overcoming Envy Pt. 1

For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there.

James 3:16 NKJV 

Happiness and envy are mutually exclusive.  You can be envious, or you can be happy, but you can’t be both envious and happy.  So the choice is yours: You can choose one or the other, but you can’t choose both.

St. Augustine noted, “Whoever possesses God is happy.”  So here’s a simple suggestion that is guaranteed to bring you happiness: Fill your heart with God’s love, God’s promises, and God’s Son… and when you do so, leave no room for envy, hatred, bitterness, or regret.

Here is the 3rd and final part of the “Not Being A Victim” message given by Pastor A.R. Bernard via his Facebook Fan Page .

The words and teachings of A.R. Bernard

A Simple Step

 Don’t think of yourself as a victim.  Think of yourself as a person who needs to take action now-and think of yourself as a person who can!  It’s not what happens to you in life.  It’s what you do about it (James 1:22).

 Hopefully this helps someone!

Here is Pt. 2 of the “Not Being A Victim” message given by Pastor A.R. Bernard via his Facebook Fan Page .

 Hopefully this helps someone!

The words and teaching of Pastor A.R. Bernard:

Every life, including yours, is a tapestry of choices.  And the quality of your life depends, to a surprising extent, on the quality of the choices you make.

Would you like to enjoy a life of abundance and significance?  If so, you must make choices that are pleasing to God.

From the instant you wake up in the morning until the moment you nod off to sleep at night, you make lots of decisions: decisions about the things you do, decisions about the words you speak, and decisions about the thoughts you choose to think.  Today and every day, it’s up to you (and only you) to make wise choices, choices that enhance your life and build a stronger relationship with the Creator.  After all, He deserves your best…and so do you

Stay tuned for the Pt. 3