Archives for March 2013


It’s no surprise that I am loving the black and white trend. I am looking for a good fitting black and white striped blouse now. I already own black leggings with white side panels. A black and white crop top may come in handy too.

With this trend you do not have to stick to stripes. You can rock polka dots, houndstooth, or just the mix and match with black and white pieces. Check out some more options under $50.

Fab Under $50 Black and White Trend

Hey my loves,

I have finally written down my workout goals and taking the necessary steps to achieve them. I took my measurements and everything. So here are my goals and I want to accomplish all of this by the end of April. I think that’s a fair timeline.

Goal Weight: 130 lbs- I gain most of my weight in my upper body. My face has gotten fatter, my arms are getting bigger and it’s not muscle, and my midsection is not bikini ready.

Target Areas for Toning: Thighs, Arms, Abs– this will require lots of cardio and strength training. I’ve been consistent the last week with my strength training, but I can’t tone muscle if it is covered in fat and so I need to step my cardio game up. I’ve been consistent with my lower body workout as well. The amount of squats and lunges I do is record breaking for me. I also started this ab challenge to tone that area. Dr. Oz says that a waist size over 32 inches means that you are at greater risk for heart disease. So I would like to lose about  3″-5″ off of my waist. I want to make sure that I am below 32. That’s the largest that it should be.

Miscellaneous: Improve my eating habits. I’ve really gotten better with this over the last month or so. I did have a few set backs, like when I went to Philly and one day at work when I was bombarded with every carb you could imagine. Since my small slip ups I’ve been increasing my water intake, my protein intake, and minimizing the amount of bad fat in my diet.

I’m seeing small results, but I am seeing something. I’m surprised at how much my upper body strength has improved. I gain most of my weight in my upper body so cardio is important and also strengthening my core, arms and shoulders.

I’m using my Prabal Gurung for Target dresses as measurements of progress. Both dresses were a little tight in the upper body so hopefully I see results soon because as soon as it gets warm I’m wearing those dresses!

Here is the new cardio circuit that I’m going to try. This is in between workouts that I have at my job’s bootcamp. The trainer said we need to do at lead 2-3 workouts in between our sessions. I had to go on YouTube to figure out how to do some of the moves but I have them down now. So here is the new circuit I’m starting today. I’ll do this 3 times this week in addition to other strengthening and core workouts.  I found it on Instagram by the way lol

I’ll report back next week on my progress.

What are some of your fitness goals?

“Fitness is always in Fashion”

It is no secret that I love a bold print. Not only do I love a bold print, I also love a sexy, yet sophisticated style of skirt. So when I saw this Multi Aztec Print Tube Skirt from Top Shop I was in love!

Isn’t she lovely! I love the bold pattern and colors. I like the fact that the skirt is mainly black, but the orange, turquoise, and teal are what makes this print pop. Also the skirt is only $44

Check out this look I created with the skirt.

Downtown African Queen
This is just making me wish spring was here sooner!

Click here to purchase the skirt ($44)

Spring has yet to arrive but we cannot wait for the season to get here to get ready! A huge trend for springs shoes is the ankle cuff sandal. Now ankle cuffs look good on just about everyone. For the women who have cankles ankle cuffs give the illusion of definition between your calf and ankle. Here are some options below for this great trend.

Trend Alert: Ankle Cuff Sandals

Have you ever thanked God for not answering a few of your prayers? Have you ever thanked God for His perfect timing? Do you ever stop to think that it was a blessing that God didn’t let you enter that relationship, or have enough money to take a certain trip?  I don’t think I do it enough. I was just thinking one day about some of the things that have happened in my life that I prayed for and didn’t receive when I thought the timing was right. Whether it was a new relationship, new friendship, new job, or other opportunities, I was thinking about how blessed I am now because I know that God has my best interest at heart.

What sparked these thoughts was a picture of an outfit that I wore a while ago. I wore a t-shirt from Forever 21 that says “Count Your Blessings.”


Often times we get fed up and frustrated when our prayers aren’t’ answered in the time that we have allotted. When will we realize that it is never our time, but it is always God’s time? We see things happening in the lives of our family members, friends, colleagues, and associates and dare I say it, become a little jealous. I can speak from experience and had to check myself and check my heart. Sometimes when we are in “the moment” we don’t realize that God just saved us from heart ache, anxiety, unnecessary stress, financial problems, mental anguish and more. We just think about why we are so “unlucky” or why is God taking so long to do something. Psalm 46:10 says “Be still, and know that I am God.” Galatians 6:9 says “So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up”

We have to thank God for his perfect timing and allowing us to “dodge bullets” because some things that we prayed for was not in our best interest. I think of Beyonce’s song “Best Thing I Never Had” and she says “Thank God you blew it. Thank God I dodged the bullet…” and this statement can be connected to many aspects of life not just romantic relationships like she was referring to. Thank God we didn’t get that job because a better one came a long, Thank God for removing negative people we thought were friends out of our lives, Thank God for showing us compassion so we are able to repair broken relationships.

We have to look at what we feel is negative as a blessing because God has our best interest at heart. I am thankful that He doesn’t listen to me sometimes because I would be in serious trouble! We have to realize that God answers every prayer whether we like the answer or not. It may be yes, no, not yet, or he may have something better in mind that we can’t even imagine. So today I urge you to know have any doubts or worries. I urge you not to be depressed or angry. I urge you not to feel like God has forgotten about your prayers, but just Thank Him in Advance for what is to come.