I was reading one of my devotionals yesterday morning from the YouVersion Bible App (If you don’t have it, download it ASAP. It is an amazing APP). and the focus was about facing storms. Throughout life we will face many trials and tribulations because avoiding adversity is impossible, but what do you do during the storm?

I can generally read a person’s mood or emotions pretty accurately, and especially in my line of work I need to know if someone is going through a “storm.” It’s funny that once I read this devotional I started to think if I wear my emotions, my moods, and my problems in my facial expressions, and body language. The last few weeks have been extremely stressful and many people have said that it looks like something is wrong and that I’m not being myself. I am not one to run to Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter to broadcast my issues like other people.


God doesn’t want us to wear our problems. When we do that people offer advice and sometimes we seek others before we seek Him. Often times we go to God when the problem is out of our control. We want Him to fix what is happening when we should’ve gone to Him first. Of course sometimes we want to vent and just want someone to listen, but before venting we should pray. Pray that God keeps us calm in the midst of the storm. If we believe that He is who He says He is then we know that we already have the victory. That will make our testimony that much greater.

We have to praise God during the good times and the bad times. When we pray and give our problems to God, He’ll reveal the answers to our problems. He’ll put us in the right places with the right people in order to be triumphant. We just have to trust Him. We just have to be still and not broadcast the storm, but broadcast the victory of how God brought us through the storm.

Psalms 46:10 says,

Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.

We just have to have faith and know that He is not a man that He should lie. We have to trust Him to guide us in the right direction to be victorious.