Yesterday, October 17, 2010 was the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk. I have been participating in this walk for the past 10+ plus years. I try to walk every year (with the exception of when Iwas away at school and couldn’t get home) with my mom because her mother (my grandmother) died from breast cancer when she was  12. It is always a reflective time because I never got a chance to meet my grandmother and I’ve always imagined how things would be if this disease did not take her life.

Well yesterday the three stooges (myself, my mom, and my cousin) participated in the walk in Brooklyn at Prospect Park. This was the first time I walked in Brooklyn, usually we walk in Manhattan, but we decided to switch it up this year…needless to say we will be walking in Manhattan next year lol.

Here are some photos of the walk yesterday

The team-Mom -grey sweat shirt, Cousin Ros-pink sweat suit, and me 🙂