Hey Guys,

It’s been a little over a month since I have been using the Tria Skin Perfecting Blue Light. When I first started using this device  (click here for the post) I stated that I wanted a clearer complexion, more even skin tone, and for my spurts of breakouts to end. I must say so far so good. I used to get little breakouts do to a change in my hormones as well as reasons I cannot explain. Since I have been using the device my breakouts have decreased significantly. When I did have a few flare ups, I used the device longer on the specific areas and my acne would go away faster. I must note that this device is for people with moderate acne. As far as keeping up with my regimen, during the week I use it at night only and during the weekends I use it in the morning for 2.5 minutes and in the evening for 2.5 minutes.

Here are a few photos of what my skin looks like now.

Clear skin minus a few bumps

No makeup on in any of the photos, just moisturizer. My skin is now clearer and my skin tone seems to be more even and smooth.