
When God said in Genesis 1:28 “Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it. Reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that scurry along the ground,”  many people interpret that as populating the earth with humans, but that is not the case.

Fruitful is defined as

producing good results; beneficial; profitable; producing an abundant growth.

In other words, fruitful means be productive and when you are productive, you are following God’s word. Being productive involves using your gifts, talents, and abilities for a greater purpose in order to serve. A simple definition of productivity is how much work we have done in specific time unit.

Sometimes it is hard to see if we are being productive because the results are not immediate, but we need to understand that productivity doesn’t always equal some grand result. So how do you measure productivity? I’m glad you asked that question 🙂

Here is a simple formula to help

Time Worked/ Time Available = Productivity Percentage Rate

45 minutes of work / 120 minutes of available time = 37.5%

Which means I wasn’t very productive 🙁

So here are tips to help increase your productivity!

1. Make a plan for your day- Get organized!
2. Break larger tasks down into easy to accomplish bits
3. Prioritize- Use To Do Lists
4. Block out distractions
5. Set a timer to define uninterrupted work stretches
6. Take breaks to recharge and refresh
7. Don’t make excuses or procrastinate
8. Reward yourself to reinforce success
9. Maintain a positive outlook
10. Know how hard you work, and when
11. Say no more often
12. Ask for help



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