Happy Monday and Happy Labor Day!

“The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible.” -Winston Churchill

Today’s Motivation Monday post is dedicated to positive thinking. Often times we don’t succeed at certain tasks or don’t even attempt to try a certain task because of our attitude. For many people, it is easier to be negative. You do not have to think about being disappointed in yourself or in another person if you think negatively. So my advice to you (and myself) don’t be a Debbie Downer. Be positive and confident in your God given gifts, talents, and abilities. If you think negatively about every situation, how can you have any hope? If you don’t have any hope, you may want to try on working on getting some. Without hope you will have  a hard time reaching your dreams and goals. It is easier to be pessimistic than optimistic. Have a positive attitude! My pastor always says “Your attitude determines your approach and your approach determines your success or failure.” So examine yourself, your mindset, and your attitude. Are there areas in your life that need a little more positivity? If yes, then start changing the way you think today!


  1. this was needed… you give great advice! Love your site

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