To put the world in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must put the family in order; to put the family in order, we must cultivate our personal life; and to cultivate our personal life, we must first set our hearts right.-Confucius

“Order is foundational for peace, and peace is the central organizing factor of life” Pastor A.R. Bernard

We all know the opposite of order is chaos and some of us are probably experiencing some type of chaos in our lives as I type this post. When areas of our lives are not in order it disrupts our inner peace and therefore keeps us off balance. In order to maintain and live a healthy lifestyle we must have balance and therefore have order.

A lot of problems that we see in our lives, our friends lives, our communities, cities and beyond is due to the lack of order. As Confucius said in order to bring order to the world it starts with us and what is in our hearts. Ask yourself these questions…

  1. Do you like working under pressure and your back is against the wall?
  2. Do you like feeling overwhelmed?
  3. Do you like feeling discombobulated or confused?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, I honestly do not know what to say, but to those of us who answered know then our next step is to get the areas of our lives that are chaotic in order. Whether it is social, financial, emotional, spiritual or any other aspect of life we need to take steps to getting organized. With order, things are not going to be perfect, but they will be a bit easier to manage. Let us start by getting our spiritual lives in order. God established order therefore only He can bring peace. Then let us get our inner being in order meaning our attitude and mindset, we can’t always be cynical, negative and pessimistic.

So let today be the day we take control and bring order to our lives. Remember with order comes peace.

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